ROZENSTRAAT – a rose is a rose is a rose is a presentation space for contemporary visual art, with a particular focus on performance and video art. We support and encourage artists with an already defined art practice to make new strides and bring forgotten pioneers back into the spotlight. With solo exhibitions, long-term collaborations and a dynamic public program, we present their work to our visitors in an accessible way. Furthermore, we actively cooperate with fellow institutions and social partners to contribute to a strong and flourishing visual arts field.
In a time when quick and harsh opinions prevail, we believe that art offers a source of depth and perspective. It creates space to postpone judgments and allows you to actually put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Through the eyes of the artists we work with, we shine light on a variety of social issues and offer new perspectives on our pluralistic society. We are there first and foremost for the artists, and we relate to the world through their imagination. With our public program, we introduce our audience to the artists’ ideas and inspirations, and give a broader context to the themes of their work.
With solo presentations, ROZENSTRAAT offers an indispensable stage to mid-career artists aged 35-60, for whom, in our view, too little attention is paid. We encourage them to take new steps and thus actively contribute to their artistic development. For example, for some this means exploring a new theme, for others a first performance or video artwork. For each exhibition, we commission new work and, in consultation with the artist, put together an in-depth side program. In dialogue with the main exhibition, we present small-scale exhibitions in the front or back space under the name Rosebud. Within our R Projects, focused on research and the production of a new work, we accompany artists for a longer period of time. In this way, ROZENSTRAAT contributes to a healthy art climate in which artists can continue to develop.
As one of the last independent spaces for contemporary art in the rapidly changing center of Amsterdam, ROZENSTRAAT aims to be a lively place for deepening and meeting. We are artist-driven, they are central to us and we make every effort to support them and their work and career. We value an open, accessible attitude. Inspired by Gertrude Stein’s “a rose is a rose is a rose,” we therefore strive not to make art unnecessarily complicated. The visual experience of art is important to us and so we choose works that are strong visually in addition to being meaningful.
Sjoerd Kloosterhuis
Madelon van Schie
Finance (ad interim):
Ellen de Bruijne
Maarten de Bruijn
Assistant curator and production:
Laura Kneebone
Jimena Casas
Gallery manager:
Ting Phangpanya
Technical support:
Peter Verhaar
Graphic design:
Laura Pappa
Exhibition photography:
Peter Tijhuis and Gert-Jan van Rooij
For the period 2025-2028 ROZENSTRAAT- a rose is a rose is a rose will be structurally supported by the Mondriaan Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK).
ROZENSTRAAT – a rose is a rose is a rose is a member of De Zaak Nu and Moker
ROZENSTRAAT – a rose is a rose is a rose
Stichting Rozenstraat 59
Chamber of Commerce – RSIN
Chamber of Commerce number 66783186
RSIN (Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer) 856695919
Rozenstraat 59
1016 NN Amsterdam
- De stichting heeft ten doel:
- het bieden van een experimenteel kunstpodium met een eigenzinnig programma dat gekenmerkt wordt door een hoog internationaal ambitieniveau bestaande uit prikkelende tentoonstellingen met zeggingskracht;
- kennisdeling en samenwerking met andere kunstorganisaties als ook kunstprofessionals uit zowel binnen- en buitenland, ten einde tot uitwisseling ideeën te komen en al hetgeen met vorenstaande verband houdt of daartoe bevorderlijk kan zijn, alles in de ruimste zin van het woord.
- De stichting tracht dit doel te verwezenlijken door:
- het aanbieden van tentoonstellingsruimte;
- het fungeren als productiehuis;
- het bevorderen van de verbinding tussen nationale en internationale kunstprofessionals, en al hetgeen met vorenstaande verband houdt of daartoe bevorderlijk kan zijn, alles in de ruimste zin van het woord, een en ander voor zover het bijdraagt aan de onder lid 1 van dit artikel opgenomen doelstelling van de stichting.
Willem Asselbergs – chairman
Diana Stigter – secretrary
Annette Mullink – treasurer
Semâ Bekirovic – board member
Philippa van Loon – board member
Remuneration policy:
The director-curators receive a salary based on a ZZP contract. Board members receive no remuneration.
Annual accounts:
Mounira Al Solh
Josefin Arnell
Mercedes Azpilicueta
Matea Bakula
Jo Baer
Sema Bekirovic
Otto Berchem
Maura Biava
Catherine Biocca
Pim Blokker
Merijn Bolink
Kasper Bosmans
Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz
Anne-lise Coste
Pauline Curnier Jardin
Jeremiah Day
Sebastian Diaz Morales
Alicia Framis
Peggy Franck
Hreinn Fridfinnsson
Melissa Gordon
Margaret Haines
Saskia Janssen
Mark Kent
Klaas Kloosterboer
Aukje Koks
George Korsmit
Marijn van Kreij
Sara van Lamsweerde
Mauricio Limón de León
Philippa van Loon
Raul Marroquin
Rachel Mason
Nathaniel Mellors
Lin de Mol
Lara de Moor
Alexandra Navratil
Erkka Nissinen
Thierry Oussou
Oscar Pabón
Maria Pask
Daniel de Paula
Falke Pisano
Maaike Schoorel
Grace Schwindt
Lucy Stein
Julius Stibbe
Lily van der Stokker
Marianne Vierø
Evi Vingerling
Riet Wijnen
Geo Wyeth & Jay Tan
Dan Zhu