De (ver)woeste Stad: an evening with Das Mag Publishers and Marian Donner

Is there still room for the crazy people? For the outsiders, the free riders, the people who deviate from the norm and even for the middle class? On the occasion of Marian Donner’s recent publication Zelfverwoestingsboek (Self Destruction Book) the ROZENSTRAAT organises together with Das Mag Publishers and the author herself an evening on the gentrification of Amsterdam. This evening we want to focus on the fringes of our city. Via an open stage we want to discuss where can you still find freedom and, above all: how can that freedom be increased? So that the wildness of Amsterdam that makes the city so special won’t get lost and all those crazy people, outsiders and freebooters and yes, even the normals, can be heard. It must above all be an evening where we all celebrate the wildness of Amsterdam!
With contributions from: Massih Hutak (writer and rapper), Tracy Metz (journalist), Jeffrey Babcock (Jeffrey’s cinema), Jarmo Berkhout (philosopher and The Action Fund), the Homeless Poet, Martijn Dissen (Amsterdam Drugs Kwartet), Marjolijn van Heemstra (theater maker and writer), Dominique Himmelsbach de Vries (artist), Maarten van de Kamp (photographer), Alina Lupu (artist), Ron M. Offerman (poet), Paper Jam, Project Wildeman (theater company), Stephen Hodes (Amsterdam in Progress), Temporary Show (poet), De Trut (the non-commercial pots and flicker disco), Jazie Veldhuyzen (duo councillor for Amsterdam BIJ1) and films by Ed van der Elsken (photographer and film maker).