Jeffrey’s Cinema #28

Jeffrey Babck is back! He picked the following film, that is programmed in relation to our current exhibition by Jo Baer.
Directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer
90 minutes
In English
‘This is a magical documentary film about Andy Goldsworthy, a British artist who always works within the realm of nature. Goldsworthy’s creations are sublime, and we watch as he struggles to create his mind-blowing sculptures out of elements such as icicles, twigs, snow, stones on the beach, etc. His work is full of risks and exploration. Everything he does is time-based, meaning that because of its essential nature, it only exists for a limited amount of time – sometimes days or even hours. His creativity is about struggle, and to make something of beauty out of the simplest of means.
Don’t expect to be bombarded by this quiet study, but rather drawn into another world. It’s a movie of thoughts and reflections, but above all, amazing visuals. Goldsworthy lives in a remote rural Scottish town, where he talks about the ideas behind his work, and we also follow him each day as he gathers the incredible strength to carry out his vision. This film is not just a typical documentary about an artist, but the film is an art piece itself, and won loads of awards at international festivals. The music score is by the renowned avant-garde musician Fred Frith (Henry Cow).