Now online! Personal tours of Hreinn Fridfinnsson’s exhibition

Due to the global pandemic we had to close our exhibition Hreinn Friðfinnsson – MIDNIGHT JUMP sooner than scheduled. For those who missed the exhibition, we have two video’s for you to enjoy Friðfinnsson’s show.
Halla Einarsdóttir and Hrafnhildur Helgadóttir have worked as Hreinn Friðfinnsson’s assistants for years. They were asked to present a personal tour through the exhibition MIDNIGHT JUMP by Hreinn Fridfinnsson.
The doors to the exhibition were closed early due to Covid 19, but luckily they still kept the key. In fact, they have the key to the show, the storage, the stories and even to some of the secrets. While wrapping everything up you are invited to peek into Hreinn’s arcane archive of boxes, folders, rigmaroles and memories which they have compiled and categorised, yet continue to get lost in.
This video was made for the public program of Hreinn Fri∂finnsson’s exhibition MIDNIGHT JUMP at Rozenstraat a rose is a rose.
Herewith an overview of the exhibition Hreinn Friðfinnsson – MIDNIGHT JUMP for those who missed it.
MIDNIGHT JUMP took place at Rozenstraat a rose is a rose Amsterdam from February 15 – March 14 2020
Credits: Zapp Magazine (camera and editing)