Opening Mauricio Limón de León

During the opening there will be a live radiobroadcast in collaboration with Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee, an online radio dedicated to the arts, and will be live broadcasted at
The soup is delicious
A knife chopping onion, an ass fades in and out, a hand pressing a piece of meat, a dog with his master, (he is naked and has a small penis) a knife chopping garlic, pealing an avocado, a vagina is fading in and out…
Imagine yourself lying down on the floor, facing the ceiling. Your arms and legs are extended. Standing over you there is a person you know, It is a special moment. (the status is equal, there is not someone that you feel is more or less powerful than you…) You have to focus on the rhythm of your breath to allow yourself to bear their weight for some minutes. How do you describe your emotions in this situation? What do you imagine?
Mauricio Limón is showing the second phase of his current work “Trust comes on foot and leaves on horseback” an installation based on murals, paintings, carpets and sound. Inspired by Cardena´s Video “The Soup is delicious” Limon takes this title to introduce a radio broadcast with interviews about social interactions and sexual arousal, structures of power and its insertion over the body, cinema and pornography.
Limón is a current resident at the Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten (2016-2017). In 2014, Limon was nominated for the Future Generation Art Prize by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and participated in the 14th Museo Tamayo Biennial, Mexico City. Limon has also been awarded the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant in 2010 and the Jóvenes Creadores Grant by FONCA in 2011-2012. His solo and group shows include: Pagará a la vista al portador, Galería Hilario Galguera, Mexico DF, 2017; Justos Desconocidos, Cuarto de Maquinas, México DF, México, 2015; XVI Biennial Tamayo, Museo Tamayo, México DF, 2014; 21 Artist Shortlisted for the Future Generation Art Prize, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, 2014; Buscando la sombra del árbol, Galería Hilario Galguera, México DF, México, 2014; Videonale 14, Kunst Museum Bonn, Germany, 2013; Batiente.01 Un momento, DESARCUERDO, Un principio, Casa del Lago Juan José Arreóla, México DF, México, 2012; Disponible: A Kind of Mexican Show, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 2011 and San Francisco Art Institute, 2010, An Exchange with Sol LeWitt, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, MA, 2011; Versus, Projex-Mtl. Montreal, Canada, 2011; Fetiches Críticos, collaboration with Xavier Rodríguez, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, 2010; Hecho en Casa, Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City, 2009.