Performance Giulia Damiani

Heart Brake

A new work by Giulia Damiani and a work-in-progress performance


Heartbrokenness is more than an affective state and is said to be ‘at the heart of all revolutionary consciousness’. As two figures labour on stage using rocks, drums and the voice, they evoke the legendary folk saint Wilgefortis via an interpretive concert and prayer. Also known as Sint Ontkommer, Wilgefortis is an ancient bearded-woman whose gruesome story and gender-transgressive identity offered protection and inspiration to people breaking from violent conventions. The two figures explore vocal registers beyond gender binaries while embodying the sounding and imagery of manual rock-splitting. Who’s allowed to give the blow and who’s forced to receive it? Once struck, the space will vibrate. The choreographic score emerges in the movement between breath, voice and song; signalling the subversive irony that is experienced in the path to setting oneself, and each other, free. The performance includes a tribute to Ulrike Ottinger’s 1981 iconic film Freak Orlando.


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Performed and developed by: Giulia Damiani in collaboration with Luísa Saraiva

Production and artistic advice: Isobel Dryburgh

Sound design: Leroy Chaar

Costume and scene design: Richard John Jones, Publik Universal Frxnd

Text: Giulia Damiani

Light design advice: Paulina Prokop

Rock-splitting training: Alberto Damiani

With the support of: Amsterdams Fonds Voor den Kust 23-24, Centrale Fies, Mondriaan Fonds 24, Rozenstraat – a rose is a rose is a rose

Residency support: Dance Space Destiny (Amsterdam), If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to be Part of Your Revolution (Amsterdam), CRL (Porto), Centrale Fies (Dro), De Sloot (Amsterdam)



Photo: Roberta Segata courtesy Centrale Fies