The One Minutes – Real sur Real by Jerszy Seymour

The One Minutes will be back at Rozenstraat- a rose!
Please join us on Tuesday Jan 28 from 6pm – 8pm to celebrate the Year of the White Metal Rat with a new series and their new book!
The publication ‘刹那即永恒 – One Minute is Eternal’ presents an eclectic range of propositions in how we think through the medium of moving image in over 500 video stills. The publication was made possible by the generous support of East China Normal University and Consulate-general of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Shanghai.
The new series ‘Real Sur Real’ is curated by Jerszy Seymour and consists of 11 works by artists and filmmakers from Germany, the Netherlands, Taiwan, South Korea and United Kingdom. Together, the videos create a Non Utopian Utopian Vision
If the surreal could be seen as a seeking of truth to get to the core of meaning by creating fantastic cracks in reality and access to other worlds, then it could be seen as limited and laid impotent by representation, and if the real could be seen as truth based in no representation and therefore potent in the actual then it could be seen as lacking the imagination to conceive of something else outside of the perspective of the real, the Real Sur Real is a paradoxical perspective that tries to go past these two limitations. The call for the Real Sur Real is a call to dare to be in the world, and to simultaneously create the world that we don’t know and could equally be framed as a Non Gesamt Gesamt Kunstwerk or a Non Utopian Utopian Vision.
Participating artists:
Stuart Pound
Anneke Bosma
Giorgi Gedevanidze
Octave Rimbert-Rivière
Natalia Jordanova
Sara Daniel
Sid and Geri
WoongYong Kim
Pinar&Viola and Sofia Crespo
Alfie Dwyer
6pm doors open
6.15 presentation publication ‘刹那即永恒 – One Minute is Eternal’
6.30 Introduction ‘Real Sur Real’ by Jerszy Seymour
6.35 Screening ‘Real Sur Real’
6.50 Lecture Pinar Demirdag
7.00 skype interview WoongYong Kim
7.05-7.25 A conversation between Jerszy Seymour, Julia van Mourik (director of The One Minutes) and participating artists Pinar Demirdag, WoongYong Kim, Giorgi Gedevanidze, Natalia Jordanova, Octave Rimbert-Rivièr and Sara Daniel will conclude the evening. Open discussion with the audience is encouraged.
Free entrance
JERSZY SEYMOUR is an artist, designer and co-founder and director of the Dirty Art Department at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam. Spanning industrially and post-industrially produced objects, actions, interventions and installations, his work involves the creation of situations seeking to expand utopian possibilities through the idea of the Every-topia and the Non-Gesamt Gesamt Kunstwerk.
THE ONE MINUTES produces and distributes one-minute videos from an artistic point of view, offering an international stage for people to create, engage and connect. Every two months, The One Minutes Foundation puts out a new series of 60-second films that investigate how we perceive and engage with moving image. Museums and cultural organisations around the world subscribe to the series.
Hope to see you there!