Wees Mimosa Govert Visser & Rainbow Soulclub in conversation with Chief Government Architect Floris Alkemade

Event: On July 1 between 2 and 4pm Wees Mimosa Govert Visser & Rainbow Soulclub will have a conversation (in Dutch) with Chief Government Architect Floris Alkemade
Chief Government Architect Floris Alkemade argues in his book The Future of the Netherlands that our contemporary prosperity has taken such an unimaginable flight that every change is first of all experienced as a threat. Right now however our ability to change direction must be tapped. The most powerful engine for change is to evoke desire for change. Imagination is essential here. It is not the world that determines who we are, but vice versa; with our stories we shape the world.
To survive in the periphery of our society, Wees Mimosa Govert Visser uses his imagination. He developed a system that, on a spiritual basis, tells him why he is here. Since 2000, he has been working on this system of cards and folders that provide him with information to learn and to keep learning, every day. Changing direction is a familiar concept to him.
The conversation takes place in the setting of the exhibition Rearrangement of Priorities #9 (HOME). Since Covid19, all members of the Rainbow Soulclub have had a -temporary- roof over their heads. Unfortunately, this emergency shelter will soon be scaled down again and the question is how long the members will have a ‘home’ and where the next chapter of their lives will take place.
In an informal setting, Floris Alkemade, Wees Mimosa Govert Visser and other members of the Rainbow Soulclub will exchange ideas about their personal search for deeper needs and the future of the Netherlands.
Maximum number of visitors: 25
RSVP: info@rozenstraat.com