Chen Che – lezing ‘Private art museums in Shanghai – from the perspective of HOW Art Museum.’

Datum: donderdag 20 juli 2017
Lezing: 19:00 – 20:30 uur
Deuren open: 18:45 uur
Locatie: ROZENSTRAAT, Rozenstraat 59, Amsterdam
Voertaal: Engels
Toegang: gratis
Reservering: verplicht via
Het Mondriaan Fonds presenteert in samenwerking met project space ROZENSTRAAT – a rose is a rose is a rose een lezing van Chen Che (curator van het HOW Art Museum in Shanghai en Wenzhou, China). Che zal spreken over de ontwikkeling van private kunstmusea in Shanghai gedurende de afgelopen vier tot vijf jaar. Hierbij zal hij spreken over het How Art Museum en de specifieke plek die het museum inneemt ten opzichte van andere musea in Shanghai.
Chen Che is te gast in het bezoekersprogramma van het Mondriaan Fonds van 17 t/m 21 juli. In dit programma worden buitenlandse gasten uitgenodigd zich te oriënteren op de actuele ontwikkelingen in de kunst in Nederland. Het fonds wil hiermee internationale belangstelling wekken voor hedendaagse kunst in Nederland en de positie daarvan in het buitenland te versterken.
Meer informatie over de lezing:
On a global scale, private art museums have become an indispensable platform for art shows and art education. The importance and influence of private art museums in the global art landscape is undeniable. The quality of artworks displayed and the shows curated rival or even surpass institutional exhibitions, often being recognized not only locally but also on an international art level, especially in the field of contemporary art. The number of visitors attending private museums often equals public institutions. Private museums are running, in a number of cases, full-fledged academic programs, launching publications, and offering artist-in-residencies. Despite the increase in private museums, the surge of press headlines regarding these new buildings—such as “China is building thousands of new museums” or “A museum in every mall?” it has hard to fully grasp what is happening.
HOW Art Museum (Shanghai) covers 7000 m2, is located in Pudong New District of Shanghai and will open to the public in July 2017. The museum will have multiple functions including a contemporary art collection, exhibitions, research and education. The museum will focus on both local and international artists, art institutions and projects in order to create international exchange and to promote the development of Chinese contemporary art in a global context.
HOW Art Museum was founded by Mister Zheng Hao in 2012. Mister Yun Cheagab was appointed director of HOW Art Museum in November of the same year. HOW Art Museum consists of two museums: HOW Art Museum (Shanghai) and HOW Art Museum-Wenzhou. HOW Art Museum-Wenzhou opened to public in 2013 and has held more than 20 art exhibitions, including: 1.62M: Lin Tianmiao Solo, Misinterpret: Zhou Xiaohu Solo, Chinese Expression, The Moment We Awe: Contemporary Art from Korea, Tour Exhibition in China’s Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale, HOW NOW • Chinese Young Artists Collective Exhibition, and Face-book. Meanwhile, HOW Art Museum develops extensive cooperation with other arts and cultural institutions and co-organizes significant exhibitions, such as Social Sculpture: Beuys in China.
The HOW Art Museum collection consists of over 2000 works including: painting, sculpture, installation, and new media. Some important artists in the collection are Joseph Beuys, Damien Hirst, Markus Lüpertz, Anish Kapoor, Darren Almond, Carsten Nicolai, Yayoi Kusama, Chun Kwang Young, Xu Bing, Zhang Xiaogang, Lin Tianmiao, Zhang Huan, and Ai Weiwei.