Current 15.03–31.03.2025 The One Minutes with the series When Art Isn’t Life curated by The Critics 30.11.2024–30.03.2025 Buhlebezwe Siwani ulwela amaza
Archive 22.01–14.03.2025 The One Minutes with the series -FIXATIONS curated by BUTT magazine 23.10–24.10.2024 Giulia Damiani Heart Brake 26.06.2023–04.10.2024 Billy Morgan Lures 24.07–07.09.2024 Publik Universal Frxnd (fka Richard John Jones) Soon as from earth I go 10.05–07.07.2024 Lydia Schouten Yes, There Will Be Singing In Dark Times 30.05–07.07.2024 Rosebud # 13 Elena Tejada-Herrera